As you most of you know, I'm a planner. I plan out my days, my nights, my weekends, and my free time. I really can't help myself-it is just my nature. So you can imagine that when I came home Saturday am from work to find my parents sleeping in my guest bedroom-I was very SURPRISED! They decided to drive to see us last minute....we loved it!
It was a spontaneous weekend. They helped pete and I install shelves in our closet so that we could make the most of of our teeny tiny space-it was a huge success. Saturday night-we went out for a delicious dinner at Noble Rot and took in a stunning view of the city. AND today (sunday), My mom and I went to see a movie while my dad and pete golfed.
Last, but not least, my mom and I finished a house project. Awhile back, I blogged about our revamping on the guest bedroom. The finishing touch to this revamping was hanging letters to spell "SLEEP TIGHT" over the guest bed. My mom, my dear friend Wendi and I have been collecting letters since February in all shapes and sizes. My mom even painted some of the letters all cute and funky. So we got them all up on the wall and it looks exactly how I wanted it (pic)-thanks to my super creative mom.
I love a weekend that is planned and falls right in to place, but I also love it when things take you for a whirl and you fall asleep sunday night feeling satisfied by events that just took shape unexpectantly. It had been a long week for me and my parents "popping by" was just what I needed. Now.... I need a good night of zzzz's-Sleep tight everyone!
that room is sooo cute. great job!!