Thursday, July 19, 2012

little footprints, pink filling....many BLESSINGS

Little moments...little footprints.. like this with my niece Elle Grey completely made my summer. Hearing her little voice say, "maggie com here" as she would grab my hand ....was priceless. She would also point at my tummy and say baby or baby "shippy". My heart melted a thousand times just being around her. The last day she sang a song about me, "maggie, maggie, maggie, maggie, maggie, maggie.". I almost cried with joy!

Being with my family for a week at Solana beach was pretty rewarding. It is amazing how fast a week can go by, but how many memorable moments can be packed into that week. I cherish every single one.

We also got to reconnect with dear friends, celebrate my friend Mel's baby shower, and my sweet friend's also threw me a baby shower. It was an exciting week. Last but not least, we revealed the gender of baby moormeier. The filling was pink...Shipley Lucille Moormeier. We are proud parents of a little girl. :)

Beaming with happiness

We've already been home for a week and the routine of life rolls on...but thinking back on the many blessings of this past month keeps me smiling. 

Life is not always full of sunshine, love, and surprises. We all experience highs and lows. But life is beautiful in the good and the bad. I think finding this beauty and holding on to it is key. This month I have felt the beauty of life in so many ways..I'm holding on tight! :)