Thursday, March 31, 2011

In search of my life-long hobby. . .

The other night upon taking a break with a co-worker; he asked me, "what is your hobby?". My mind raced.. hobby? What is my hobby? I've been a nursing student for the past two years...I don't have a hobby. There was an awkward silence and then he repeated the question, "what's your hobby? You know like something you enjoy outside of work." I stuttered and stammered and ended up saying I love to hike. Well I do like hiking, but Pete is really the hiker in our family. He is the one who LOVES hiking. Hiking is his hobby.

So I made it my goal this past week to think of some of my hobbies or potential interest for future hobbies. I don't want to be the boring girl with no hobbies. So below is my attempt at listing and analyzing my hobbies.

Current Hobbies
1.) I collect funky knobs and put them on cabinets, cupboards, and dressers. This is kind of a strange hobby now that I think of it, but at least it is unique. Not many people can say that they are a knob collector now can they? (See picture)
2.) I like to run including races (ex. 10 k and halfs)...But this is an on and off again hobby. :)
3.) I love to shop, but this is borderline..can you really consider this a hobby?
4.) I like to travel. Now this is a solid hobby and is a promising hobby for the future.
5.) Surfing and snowboarding are both hobbies I love, but I don't know if I do them enough to consider them true hobbies.
6.) Hmm what else? Baking cookies. A delicious hobby, but I try to avoid it as the hobby to follow is eating the cookies.
7.) Yoga/pilates is probably one of my favorite hobbies. This is something I truly enjoy doing with my free time.

Future Hobbies
1.) Gardening (thanks for the inspiration Avery)-This summer I am going to plant an herb box on my patio.
2.) Reading biographies. I love learning more about people such as political figures, heros, and rags to riches type stories. I also might join the neighborhood book club I was invited to.
3.) Indoor soccer. Playing soccer was something I truly loved growing up. For the past couple of years I have been wanting to join an indoor league and get back into it.
4.) Sewing or knitting. A couple nights ago, my kind neighbor came over and gave me a tutorial on how to sew a button back on my bedspread. Like 8 buttons fell off and I have really enjoyed sewing them back on. I like the challenge of it. I think there is potential here.

Alright. . .so the next time somebody asks me what my hobby is. .. I think I might be just a little bit more prepared. :) Maybe I do have more interests than I originally thought. The thing is there is so much out there to do, explore, and enjoy. . there are always more hobbies to try. We may fail, we may dislike them, but I think hobbies come and go along with the seasons of life. I'm off to do some yoga! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Crafty Side is possibly coming out.

I've never thought of myself as a crafty person. I don't really have the patience for it and I'm not super detail orientated. BUT this past February my mom and good friend Wendi came to visit. We discussed ideas for my guest room as I have had an itch to redecorate it for some time now. Well they got me going and now I am making it my spring project. I'm not rushing to get it ALL done it one weekend, but Im working at it slowly. . .letting my creative side guide me. HA this is a big step for me as I am usually a get er done type of person. So far we've painted most of the room a vibrant teal and white (two walls left). Pete surprised me and painted a big stretch this past weekend while I was at work. Im also trying to revamp things I already have such as covering lamps with new fabric and moving vases and pictures around. I'm also collecting letters for the wall in all different shapes and sizes to spell "SLEEP TIGHT" over the bed.

I was at the fabric store today picking out fabric and letters and realized just how fun being crafty and creative is when you have the time for it. I start the night shift this week and will be staying up the night before my first shift of every week to get myself switched over to the right sleep schedule. I figure to keep myself awake-I will save painting and projects for the middle of the night. So while most of you are tucked tight in bed, I will be crafting away. I am going to repaint a mirror tonight. Cross your fingers for me that I stay patient and send any crafty ideas or projects my way. I have a feeling I may be needing more inspiration soon. . .;)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Soothing Soup!

I tried this soup over the holidays (compliments of Julie Moormeier ;) )! It is delicious and cozy. I got the recipe and thought I would give it a try this weekend. YUM! Below is the link. You can substitute the chicken for roasted turkey as well.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

MARCHing Forward and Feeling the Sunshine

It is hard to believe we are into the month of March. I usually feel like January and February are such slow and gloomy months (minus Valentine's day my favorite Holiday). How did we get here already?. . . 2011 is flying by. I feel the older I get the faster the years go. I don't like it. But what I do like is-that this March-I feel like life is truly marching forward.

I've started my first nursing job at a hospital in in the Portland Metro area. I've finished my orientation and I am loving everything I'm learning. I can't wait to start working with the patients on the floor. I will be working on a med/surg stroke care unit. I am told that the experiences I will gain on this unit will be invaluable. I cannot wait to dive in. The nurses and staff I have met at the hospital have been so supportive and welcoming. I feel like I am about to burst with enthusiasm and excitement. In addition, Pete has been so supportive...packing me tasty lunches and listening to me blabber every evening when I get home about "my day at work".

March has started with a bang and a few steps forward. I feel like I was running in place for the last couple years trying to make it to this very point and now that I am finally here. . .I feel like we are moving, marching, and starting to work towards additional goals and dreams. So even though it has been raining nearly every day here in Portland with gloomy grey skies..I feel like there has been a break in the clouds and life is brining on the sunshine!