Dear My Sweet Sailor Bear..My Sailor Boo...My Sailsy Sue...
I've been told that things will be more laid back with your 2nd baby. I did indeed take a lot less pictures during your pregnancy and I didn't do a weekly journal as I did with your sister Shipley. So let me sum the pregnancy up for you….I ATE A LOT OF ICECREAM! In all seriousness, I loved being pregnant with you. Each week was an adventure and a day getting closer to meeting you. It was a busy time for us as I started a new job and we moved TWICE... but growing you always remained my number 1 priority. Oh, I was also disgusted by olives and mushrooms…I'm guessing you'll never eat them growing up. :)
As I write to you. . . you are now almost 7 months old…you are a giggly, happy growing lil gal who has quite a spunky little personality. You are incredibly laid back about most everything except when you get your mind set on something…you will stop at nothing until you get it. Daddy says that trait comes from me. :) I think it will serve you well in life my dear.
I know life existed before you but you are such a part of our family that my world would seem empty without you. Things have been busy since you came into this world. Daddy and I have been finding our "system". Learning how to meet your needs and the needs of your sister Shipley and develop our family of four. But it is a good busy…full of laughter, learning, and not a lot sleep. You like to eat every 3 hrs…day and night. :) It took me 7 months to sit and write "your story" but I wanted you to have it written while the details are still fresh in my mind. I don't ever want to forget a single detail of your little entrance into this world.
You came to meet us on rainy and fall like night...October 30th, 2014. I was 39 weeks-1 week before your due date. Daddy was hoping for a halloween baby and you decided to keep him on his toes and come one day early. We were so ready for you…I cleaned every nook and cranny..I even had cookie dough stocked in the freezer. I couldn't wait to hold you and look at you. Your mimi was in town helping me finish a few things before you came. I got a massage that morning and then we headed to target to grab a few last minute baby things. After walking around target for awhile I knew the little contractions I'd been having for weeks were beginning to feel different. They are more intense, sharp. I had to stop walking a couple times in Target due to the discomfort. I swooped up Shipley and told MiMi it is time to head home. I knew you were coming very soon. I've always loved Target…but not enough to have a baby there.
We got home and I called my dr…they said they wanted me to be checked to see how far dilated I was before I took my blood thinner. I took a hot shower and drove myself in to the Dr. office a little past 3 pm. Daddy was at work and mimi stayed with Shipley. Upon getting to hospital, I was 4 cm dilated but my discomfort was increasing by the minute. My Dr. told me to walk around the hospital for awhile and then see where I was at. I made it 45 minutes walking around and the contractions were coming like rapid fire. I happily checked myself in to the labor and delivery unit (where I work) at 4:45 pm and called Daddy. He was in a meeting. I said, "Get in the carpool lane and get here."I was only at 5 cm upon checking in but by the time daddy made it a half n hour later...I was in tears and ready for an epidural. Mimi and your Auntie Ashley were not far behind to join us for your arrival. My co-worker and dear friend Molly also joined the "party" as she was on the unit that thursday night working.
I had planned on a natural delivery but from target to checking in by myself..I hadn't really thought much about my coping mechanisms and now I was in a whole heck of a lot of pain. I tried walking but that didn't do much. I wanted to stay put. We got in a room and I was ready for an epidural, but the nurses were having a hard time getting an IV in. I had to have some blood drawn to make sure my blood wasn't too thin. (I took blood thinners throughout out your pregnancy due to my clotting history). After an hour, the blood was sent and it seemed like forever (probably only 30-45 minutes) until we got the results. I was feeling quite grumpy and ready to be done with these contractions. I was already dilated to 8 cm. But my mind was made up and I was ready to have that epidural. We got the go ahead and the anesthesiologist came. She was great and got me set up right away except it only numbed the left side of my body. After what seemed like eternity..She pulled it out and put it back in and ….tada... I was out of my misery.
I rested, I laughed, and it wasn't long until I was complete and ready to push you out. My discomfort picked up as you were low and anxious to come out. My support team was stupendous and so helpful in encouraging me. My amazing nurse Krystal and Dr. Whitman were so awesome in caring for us in the final stages. Daddy was still in his suit and tie from work but he was right there ready to meet you..helping me work through the labor. I pushed for just about an hour. As I was pushing the Dr. said, "wow look at this dark hair!" Your daddy and I were shocked as we assumed you would be bald just like your older sister. We were dying to see this head of hair and your sweet little face.
Things went quite smoothly and by 09:41 pm you were born..just under 7 hrs from when I first arrived to my Dr.'s office earlier that afternoon. The nurse and Dr. let me help pull you out and you came right to my chest. You cried your sweet little cry and you took your first breaths. You stayed skin to skin for the next two hours. You were alive and you were our sweet sailor girl with a head full of black hair. You made our hearts pound with joy and scream with excitement. You were ours! You were healthy! Our lives would forever be changed by your quick and early arrival and our adventure as a family of four had begun.
You weighed 6 lbs and 10 ounces and you were 19 and 3/4 inches long. You were snuggly and quiet except when you wanted to eat…you snorted. This snorting to signal eating lasted for the first 3 months of your life. :) Shipley came to meet you the next morning and has been smitten by you ever since. She sometimes is rough when she shows her love for you by bumping into your face :)...but we are 7 months in and she still doesn't tire of holding you. She is proud of you already. And nobody can make you laugh or smile like Shipley can. You already admire your big sister. It is amazing to watch your interactions with each other. My love has grown for Shipley watching her as a sister. And my heart has doubled in size to hold my bountiful love for you Sailor. In my wildest dreams, I couldn't have asked for anything more in this life than two healthy little girls.
So Sails...I will never forget the day you were born or halloween night when we took you home to tricker treaters and Shipley dressed up like a little pig. Your birthday will always be marked by my favorite season…FALL. And Halloween has a whole new meaning…I imagine you will have some fun birthday parties growing up. :) Your birthday was one of the very best days of my life and I will spend every year loving you, helping you grow, and adding to "your story". I am blessed and honored to call you mine!
Yours Truly,
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