Monday, January 14, 2013

Dear Shipley Lucille Moormeier...

TODAY, December 20th, 2012,  marks your 1 month of life. Where did these last 4 weeks go? They have been full of pure JOY. It seems like only a few minutes ago I held you for the first time, but it also seems like a life time ago....because I could never imagine my life with out you.

I've been meaning to write you for the past tell you about the day you came into this world (YOUR STORY), but I could never break away from you long enough to type you this letter until now...I want to hold you every second of every day. For the rest of my days...November 20th, 2012 will forever be the most memorable, amazing, and love filled day of my existence. Your dad and I have been waiting for you for a long time. For the past 6.5 years of our marriage-we've dreamed of the day we would meet you. It took us a little longer than planned to have by the time your due date was close...we were counting the hours until your birthday.

We went into the hospital on November 18th (39.1 weeks)  to be induced due to a medication I took during pregnancy for blood clots (lovenox). We had to time everything right with the delivery. We were excited, nervous, and giddy with the thought of meeting you so very soon. I was induced with cervadil and then pitocin. Things started slow. Your mimi and aunties Kelly and Ashley were there to support your dad and I. We were all having a great time...laughing...anticipating your debut. We walked the halls, I bounced on the birthing ball, and they snuck me some bites of cookies. :) By the afternoon of the 19th...I was no longer having fun. Labor became intense, painful; I was nauseous and it was hard for me to focus on anything but the end to it all. You stayed strong the whole way through..your steady heartbeat during labor was music to my ears.

I wanted a natural delivery so that I could experience it all and be involved in every moment of your birth. I made it to 8 cm dilated without any pain medication when my cervix became swollen from my body pushing before it was time. Your head was very low..both you and I were ready for you to come out...but my cervix was not. My dr. encouraged me to get a epidural for medical reasons so my body could rest and then we could try to push when I was complete. We all wanted to avoid a csection. I rested once the epidural was in, but it did not stay in. Somehow during my pushing it came out...and slowly but surely the pain rolled back in. I pushed for 2.5 hours with little progress...I was determined to push you out. I tried numerous pushing positions and your dad was such an awesome birthing partner. BUT....we needed some more assistance to get you out. Dr. S said he felt it was time to introduce the vacuum. Your dad and I were very scared. But Dr. Stewart and my wonderful labor nurse Carrie reassured me and eased my worry. I prayed over and over again in my head that you would come out strong and healthy and that the vacuum wouldn't hurt your strong and precious, innocent head.

With the use of the vacuum and some more pushing you emerged into this world at 4:19AM. Your first cries were so beautiful. I could tell that you have a gentle and sweet nature to your spirit. Your APGARS were 8,9. Your sweet body was placed against mine and we did skin to skin like I dreamed of so many times. I instantly loved all 7 lbs and 1 ounce and 20 inches of your little being. I feel like my heart doubled in size just for you. Your dad couldn't even talk he was so overwhelmed with love for you. I'd never seen such happiness in his eyes until those first moments he spent staring at you! Everyone in the room was cheering with tears, laughter, and joy. It was a feeling and beauty one can never imagine until they experience it. Your grand debut was breath taking!

My labor was not as I imagined. It was longer, harder, and full of obstacles I didn't anticipate. I left many of the less glamorous details out of this story (you can ask me when you're older). BUT we were blessed with an amazing support team, nurses, and a wise Dr who helped us through those long 30 hours from start to finish. I look back on that experience like it was magical...all the hard work paid off. I would do it all over again a 1000 times to have you! GOD answered our prayers and gave us OUR perfect baby!

We had a wonderful stay on the post partum unit (where I work) and we were spoiled by my marvelous co-workers. We made it home the night before Thanksgiving and we were able to give thanks with our family for our new life...YOU.

So SHIPLEY LUCILLE...this is your story. I can't wait to see how it unfolds month after month...year after year. Your sweet and gentle spirit makes me smile every day so far my girl!

Love Always,

Your devoted MOM


  1. Love it!! Love that you wrote it all down for her too!! so sweet!!!

  2. Aw...brings tears to my eyes! So happy for you that you finally have that sweet girl in your arms.

  3. It's a tear jerker of a story and beautifully written Mags! What a joyous day it was!
