Thursday, March 31, 2011

In search of my life-long hobby. . .

The other night upon taking a break with a co-worker; he asked me, "what is your hobby?". My mind raced.. hobby? What is my hobby? I've been a nursing student for the past two years...I don't have a hobby. There was an awkward silence and then he repeated the question, "what's your hobby? You know like something you enjoy outside of work." I stuttered and stammered and ended up saying I love to hike. Well I do like hiking, but Pete is really the hiker in our family. He is the one who LOVES hiking. Hiking is his hobby.

So I made it my goal this past week to think of some of my hobbies or potential interest for future hobbies. I don't want to be the boring girl with no hobbies. So below is my attempt at listing and analyzing my hobbies.

Current Hobbies
1.) I collect funky knobs and put them on cabinets, cupboards, and dressers. This is kind of a strange hobby now that I think of it, but at least it is unique. Not many people can say that they are a knob collector now can they? (See picture)
2.) I like to run including races (ex. 10 k and halfs)...But this is an on and off again hobby. :)
3.) I love to shop, but this is borderline..can you really consider this a hobby?
4.) I like to travel. Now this is a solid hobby and is a promising hobby for the future.
5.) Surfing and snowboarding are both hobbies I love, but I don't know if I do them enough to consider them true hobbies.
6.) Hmm what else? Baking cookies. A delicious hobby, but I try to avoid it as the hobby to follow is eating the cookies.
7.) Yoga/pilates is probably one of my favorite hobbies. This is something I truly enjoy doing with my free time.

Future Hobbies
1.) Gardening (thanks for the inspiration Avery)-This summer I am going to plant an herb box on my patio.
2.) Reading biographies. I love learning more about people such as political figures, heros, and rags to riches type stories. I also might join the neighborhood book club I was invited to.
3.) Indoor soccer. Playing soccer was something I truly loved growing up. For the past couple of years I have been wanting to join an indoor league and get back into it.
4.) Sewing or knitting. A couple nights ago, my kind neighbor came over and gave me a tutorial on how to sew a button back on my bedspread. Like 8 buttons fell off and I have really enjoyed sewing them back on. I like the challenge of it. I think there is potential here.

Alright. . .so the next time somebody asks me what my hobby is. .. I think I might be just a little bit more prepared. :) Maybe I do have more interests than I originally thought. The thing is there is so much out there to do, explore, and enjoy. . there are always more hobbies to try. We may fail, we may dislike them, but I think hobbies come and go along with the seasons of life. I'm off to do some yoga! :)


  1. Haha, love it!! And YES, shopping is absolutely a hobby!! And secondly, I can help you sew on buttons anytime you need it :) I also know how to sew pillows! Lol. But that's just about it! :)

  2. love this post :). Don't forget, blogging also counts as a hobby...and you are pretty good at it!
