Friday, January 22, 2010

"Honk if you love Jesus, TEXT if you want to meet him"

My friend Kelly told me that the Oprah show on Monday was about the tragedy of texting while driving. She told me it was a great show and Oprah urged all viewers to take a pledge NOT to text while driving because it can be deadly. It is called the NO PHONE ZONE Pledge.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I have texted while driving on more than one occasion. Then today at the gym, I saw the follow up Oprah about this issue. Viewers were calling in and saying how they had taken the pledge and were giving awful examples of what has happened to them or their loved ones from texting while driving. Statistics prove it is worse than driving drunk.

So I have officially taken the pledge today. I never want to text again while driving. I am putting my phone deep in my purse or in the back seat of my car while I am behind the wheel. Another good point was made on the show... think about NOT texting someone else who is driving (if you know before hand that they are). This may cause them to check their phone and text back.

Be on the look out and make others aware of this issue because it can save lives. I heard "real" life stories today that scared me. It only takes once. Please MAKE the pledge along with me!

Here is the link to the pledge on Oprah's web page:


  1. If you get an Android phone like the Nexus One, you can do Voice to Text so you never have to type anything!

    - sent from iPhone

    ...while driving ;)

  2. YAY! you took THE PLEDGE!!! hahah! I actually broke it today (OOPS)--but NEVER again! :)
