Being in school for almost 7 years now (working towards my nursing degree), my mind is starting to fill with lots of healthy tips. So I thought every once in awhile I might share a tip that I find interesting or healthful :)
Folic acid has been on my mind because I recently started taking it. Folic acid is a very important B vitamin and it does numerous things for our bodies such as assisting in the formation of nucleic acid, it is essential for growth and reproduction, and it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. I recently had a check up with my Dr. and she said it is important for every woman of the child bearing age to be getting 800 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid a day.
WHY? Folic acid helps develop the nervous system of babies and is very important during times of growth. Even if a woman is not planning on getting pregnant-folic acid is advised. This is because folic acid is needed during the first weeks of pregnancy to prevent birth defects. Half of all pregnancies in the US are not planned, therefore if the mother is on folic acid before hand the baby will be receiving it from conception. Breast feeding mothers are advised to be taking 500 mcg of folic acid as well.
HOW CAN I GET THE RIGHT AMOUNT? Most daily vitamins have 400 mcg of folic acid (check the back of the bottle to make sure) and then you can take an additional 400 mcg pill of folic acid. They can be bought over-the-counter at any drug store.
SIDE TIP: I find it works best to take my daily vitamin and folic acid pill in the morning with breakfast. I did not like taking it on an empty stomach because it made me feel full.